4,607 research outputs found


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    We present numerically-derived orbits and mass estimates for the inner Saturnian satellites, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Janus and Epimetheus from a fit to 2580 new Cassini ISS astrometric observations spanning February 2004 to August 2013. The observations are provided in a supplementary table. We estimate GM_ Atlas=0.384+/-0.001 x 10^(-3)km^3s^(-2), a value 13% smaller than the previously published estimate but with an order of magnitude reduction in the uncertainty. We also find GM_ Prometheus=10.677+/-0.006x10(-3)km^3s^(-2), GM_Pandora=9.133+/-0.009x10^(-3)km^3s^(-2), GM_Janus=126.51+/-0.03x10^(-3)km^3s^(-2) and GM_Epimetheus=35.110+/-0.009x10^(-3)km^3s^(-2), consistent with previously published values, but also with significant reductions in uncertainties. We show that Atlas is currently librating in both the 54:53 co-rotation-eccentricity resonance (CER) and the 54:53 inner Lindblad (ILR) resonance with Prometheus, making it the latest example of a coupled CER-ILR system, in common with the Saturnian satellites Anthe, Aegaeon and Methone, and possibly Neptune's ring arcs. We further demonstrate that Atlas's orbit is chaotic, with a Lyapunov time of ~10 years, and show that its chaotic behaviour is a direct consequence of the coupled resonant interaction with Prometheus, rather than being an indirect effect of the known chaotic interaction between Prometheus and Pandora. We provide an updated analysis of the second-order resonant perturbations involving Prometheus, Pandora and Epimetheus based on the new observations, showing that these resonant arguments are librating only when Epimetheus is the innermost of the co-orbital pair, Janus and Epimetheus. We also find evidence that the known chaotic changes in the orbits of Prometheus and Pandora are not confined to times of apse anti-alignement.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal 23 September 2014 (corrected Fig. 11

    United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network

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    This booklet explains the problem of freshwater acidification and introduces the work of the United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network

    The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network

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    This booklet explains the problem of freshwater acidification and introduces the work of the United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network

    A resegmentation-shift model for vertebral patterning

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    Segmentation of the vertebrate body axis is established in the embryo by formation of somites, which give rise to the axial muscles (myotome) and vertebrae (sclerotome). To allow a muscle to attach to two successive vertebrae, the myotome and sclerotome must be repositioned by half a segment with respect to each other. Two main models have been put forward: 'resegmentation' proposes that each half-sclerotome joins with the half-sclerotome from the next adjacent somite to form a vertebra containing cells from two successive somites on each side of the midline. The second model postulates that a single vertebra is made from a single somite and that the sclerotome shifts with respect to the myotome. There is conflicting evidence for these models, and the possibility that the mechanism may vary along the vertebral column has not been considered. Here we use DiI and DiO to trace somite contributions to the vertebrae in different axial regions in the chick embryo. We demonstrate that vertebral bodies and neural arches form by resegmentation but that sclerotome cells shift in a region-specific manner according to their dorsoventral position within a segment. We propose a 'resegmentation-shift' model as the mechanism for amniote vertebral patterning

    Cellular aspects of somite formation in vertebrates

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    Vertebrate segmentation, the process that generates a regular arrangement of somites and thereby establishes the pattern of the adult body and of the musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous systems, was noticed many centuries ago. In the last few decades, there has been renewed interest in the process and especially in the molecular mechanisms that might account for its regularity and other spatial-temporal properties. Several models have been proposed but surprisingly, most of these do not provide clear links between the molecular mechanisms and the cell behaviours that generate the segmental pattern. Here we present a short survey of our current knowledge about the cellular aspects of vertebrate segmentation and the similarities and differences between different vertebrate groups in how they achieve their metameric pattern. Taking these variations into account should help to assess each of the models more appropriately

    The role of the notochord in amniote vertebral column segmentation

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    The vertebral column is segmented, comprising an alternating series of vertebrae and intervertebral discs along the head-tail axis. The vertebrae and outer portion (annulus fibrosus) of the disc are derived from the sclerotome part of the somites, whereas the inner nucleus pulposus of the disc is derived from the notochord. Here we investigate the role of the notochord in vertebral patterning through a series of microsurgical experiments in chick embryos. Ablation of the notochord causes loss of segmentation of vertebrae and discs. However, the notochord cannot segment in the absence of the surrounding sclerotome. To test whether the notochord dictates sclerotome segmentation, we grafted an ectopic notochord. We find that the intrinsic segmentation of the sclerotome is dominant over any segmental information the notochord may possess, and no evidence that the chick notochord is intrinsically segmented. We propose that the segmental pattern of vertebral bodies and discs in chick is dictated by the sclerotome, which first signals to the notochord to ensure that the nucleus pulposus develops in register with the somite-derived annulus fibrosus. Later, the notochord is required for maintenance of sclerotome segmentation as the mature vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs form. These results highlight differences in vertebral development between amniotes and zebrafish and some other teleosts, where the notochord dictates the segmental pattern. The relative importance of the sclerotome and notochord in vertebral patterning has changed significantly during evolution

    Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis selects for antimicrobial resistance in HIV-exposed uninfected infants.

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    C. D. B. is funded by a Sir Henry Dale Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society (award number 206225/Z/17/Z). C. E, is funded by a Clinical PhD Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust (award number 203905/Z/16/Z). Potential conflicts of interest. Th

    Terrestrial dissolved organic matter distribution in the North Sea

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    The flow of terrestrial carbon to rivers and inland waters is a major term in the global carbon cycle. The organic fraction of this flux may be buried, remineralized or ultimately stored in the deep ocean. The latter can only occur if terrestrial organic carbon can pass through the coastal and estuarine filter, a process of unknown efficiency. Here, data are presented on the spatial distribution of terrestrial fluorescent and chromophoric dissolved organic matter (FDOM and CDOM, respectively) throughout the North Sea, which receives organic matter from multiple distinct sources. We use FDOM and CDOM as proxies for terrestrial dissolved organic matter (tDOM) to test the hypothesis that tDOM is quantitatively transferred through the North Sea to the open North Atlantic Ocean. Excitation emission matrix fluorescence and parallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC) revealed a single terrestrial humic-like class of compounds whose distribution was restricted to the coastal margins and, via an inverse salinity relationship, to major riverine inputs. Two distinct sources of fluorescent humic-like material were observed associated with the combined outflows of the Rhine, Weser and Elbe rivers in the south-eastern North Sea and the Baltic Sea outflow to the eastern central North Sea. The flux of tDOM from the North Sea to the Atlantic Ocean appears insignificant, although tDOM export may occur through Norwegian coastal waters unsampled in our study. Our analysis suggests that the bulk of tDOM exported from the Northwest European and Scandinavian landmasses is buried or remineralized internally, with potential losses to the atmosphere. This interpretation implies that the residence time in estuarine and coastal systems exerts an important control over the fate of tDOM and needs to be considered when evaluating the role of terrestrial carbon losses in the global carbon cycle

    Interoceptive cardiac signals selectively enhance fear memories

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    Fear is coupled to states of physiological arousal. We tested how learning and memory of threat, specifically conditioned fear, is influenced by interoceptive signals. Forty healthy individuals were exposed to two threat (conditioned stimuli [CS+], paired with electrocutaneous shocks) and two safety (CS-) stimuli, time-locked to either cardiac ventricular systole (when arterial baroreceptors signal cardiovascular arousal to brainstem), or diastole (when these afferent signals are quiescent). Threat learning was indexed objectively using skin conductance responses (SCRs). During acquisition of threat contingencies, cardiac effects dominated: Stimuli (both CS+ and CS-) presented at systole evoked greater SCR responses, relative to stimuli (both CS+ and CS-) presented at diastole. This difference was amplified in more anxious individuals. Learning of conditioned fear was established by the end of the acquisition phase, which was followed by an extinction phase when unpaired CSs were presented at either the same or switched cardiac contingencies. One day later, electrocutaneous shocks triggered the reinstatement of fear responses. Subsequent presentation of stimuli previously encoded at systole evoked higher SCRs. Moreover, only those participants for whom stimuli had the same cardiac-contingency over both acquisition and extinction phases retained conditioned fear memory (i.e., CS+ > CS-). Our findings reveal two important cardiac afferent effects on threat learning and memory: 1) Cardiac signals bias processing toward threat; and 2) cardiac signals are a context for fear memory; altering this context can disrupt the memory. These observations suggest how threat reactivity may be reinforced and maintained by both acute and enduring states of cardiac arousal. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved)
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